Friday, February 08, 2008

More wind, sunshine and walks

While it was windy we stayed put tied securely to rings ashore. Some weekenders ventured out but struggled to navigate along the canal with the wind pushing the boat off course. The water was whipped up into breaking waves. The sun came out next day and we moved on to Mill Bridge 40. A complete contrast to the previous days weather.

We walked up to North Kilworth, down past a farm following a very muddy bridle way. In places seeing signs of an early spring. The Katkins are out. The village was only a mile away but was mainly uphill and when we got there discovered no shop so walked round the church and returned to the boat. The wind and rain returned during the night and our fire was blown out! That anti down draft chimney was simply ineffective so it got removed.
We have been hanging up containers of nuts, seeds and a fat ball on the hedge. So we can watch the birds as they gather round sometimes being possessive about their discovery. An interesting assortment of types appeared and we looked them up in our book of birds. A robin, blue tits, coal tits, blue finch, hedge sparrow......Have all been identified. When we leave, a fat ball is left behind.
‘The old gent has been following the Jurassic Way and getting his leg over those styles again’

Down at Welford there are many walks to do. Like ‘round the reservoir’ or go on the ‘Jurassic Way’. “Why not look for the source of the Avon”. The locals provided confusion. Some said it was several miles away, while others said it starts at the reservoir. So we really do not know. The reservoir was created to supply water for the canal and in turn gets water from the surrounding hills which are dripping wet with several springs. So the Avon does start somewhere round here.
We did see some Grebe, Greylag & Canada geese and Coot. A fisherman pulled out a huge pike.

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