Monday, May 20, 2013

Technology ?

Did you know that Google Reader is to stop working soon?  I cannot add or change the subscriptions now.  Checking the latest unread blogs is what we do on our smart phone and we shall miss Reader.

There are alternative RSS feeders for that is what Reader was.  I have tried 'Feedly' on the computer and it enabled me to add and edit my existing subscriptions.  'Freedly' also has an app for Android but it did not work for me.  It just crashed.

Any body know of another to be recommended?

Now 'Smart' TV's are not so smart.  They can display internet pages but they do not have a full browser!


Pip said...


This is similar to an old version of google reader and you can import all your feeds from google. This is the one we will be using when google reader eventually goes off line.

Pip xx

Chas and Ann said...

Thanks Pip, Google Reader is still working on our Android phone but if that stops working I have gReader as an alternative.