Our grateful thanks to our friends Sue n Vic for travelling with us over that hill. As Sue has said in her blog, we have known them for many years and if it was not for the ice in Banbury some years ago I would not have got on the internet to write this blog or even create our web site.
After Tesco man delivered the goodies we set off in the afternoon and managed to do about 4 miles after going down that big lock.

Heading for Anderton but stopped at Whatcroft where we found Geof n Mags in Seyella. Next day we followed them for 5 miles to Anderton. There we found new facilities so topped up our water tank after using our washing machine on the way. We turned round here by the marina and found our mooring for the weekend with those batteries fully charged again.

We had a refreshing cup of tea on Seyella before setting off to see that boat lift and take a walk round the park land with Ann and Geof in the late afternoon.