We went for a walk and on our return there was Plaidy moored behind us.
Sunday is a day we tend not to move so I set about changing the oil and filter. I also replaced the air filter. The old one was quite black after a good few years of use. Crick marina do not have a chandlery so the replacements were purchased from Kilworth Wharf. They even had milk and bread which is handy to know.

It was great to be on the move and we got as far as Foxton top lock where we turned in the wind. Backed up and filled the tank with water. It is very popular here with boats waiting to go down the locks. Boats at the visitor moorings had many gaps between them so we moved past them only to find it a bit shallow. We walked back to visit the museum, see the locks and enjoy refreshments at the top cafe. After that we both moved off to find better moorings the other side of the tunnel.

Bridge 32 has been repaired and a bird box built into the wall.
Nice to see Plaidy on the move... How did it get that name by the way?
How odd to see a birdbox in the bridge wall.. I guess BW are confident that the bridge brickwork will last long enough to hatch the chicks!
Have a good weekend xx
Plaidy is a village in Cornwall, one of Terry & Myra's haunts.
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