All twelve locks at Bosley were climbed up in a morning. We left after breakfast with Geoff setting the locks for us. The wind made it tricky when leaving the lock because the boat was blown into the shallows. It was then difficult to get off the mud.
Half way up we were meeting boats coming down as expected. The top lock is 518 feet above sea level. While there we topped ip with water and lost the unwanted at the facilities.

Next day we continued our journey north round the hills passing several swing bridges that Geoff had opened.
The canal is noticeably shallow at the edges and in the bridge holes. With the problems at the locks as well, the prop picked up some rubbish. The boat slowed to a crawl and reversing the prop did not help. Having got past a swing bridge we stopped.
The weed hatch is under the back deck and difficult to get to so it is always a trial of determination. The water was so cold that my arm almost went numb. Geoff offered to help and managed to remove the old rope and weed.

A convoy of three boats went through while the traffic waited for us.
The Hovis mill in Macclesfield. That town was well known for producing silk.
There are a few old cotton mill buildings to pass. This one is Clarence Mill.
An ancestor on my mothers side was Henry Platt who was a blacksmith in Uppermill by the Huddersfield narrow canal. He invented many textile spinning and carpet weaving machines in Oldham.
We set off heading for a mooring at Bollington but found the popular spot full of boats. Several aborted attempts were made due to the shallow edges before finally stopping at Whitley Green.
George and Carol had hired a car and offered to take us shopping in town. A chance to get away from the boat and travel at speed on four wheels. Thank you both for the trip.