The three boat convoy stopped a night at Wheaton Aston where it was joined by a fourth, No Problem. The crews were all invited by Sue n Vic to join them for a chin wag on their boat.

Next morning all crew members were up and about getting set to move on. Seyella with Geoff driving led the way. Ann let go the bow rope as he passed and we were away next followed by Rock n Roll then No Problem bringing up the rear.

Only two miles covered as we stopped at Little Onn. After lunch we all went off for a walk round the fields near Church Eaton. Next day we all set off in a different order and stopped at Gnosall for a quick trip to the shops. It was not long before we all stopped again as some wood was seen begging to be cut up and burnt.

The convoy then continued on to Norbury where Vic and Geoff cut the wood up.
It is here that the convoy will split in two. We plan to go our separate ways. But first a record has been accomplished. No less than four boats together with eight crew members on board ‘Rock n Roll’, at least one crew member from each boat writing a Blog.
The latest problem on the Shroppie is a major rock fall at the top of Tyrley locks between bridge 58 and 59. So the convoy is obliged to turn south.