Thursday, November 17, 2005

Three Bloggers Meet

Moore 2 Life and No Problem met at Hartshill. Then Andrew of Granny Buttons called to see us. We all chatted face to face on M 2 L. The wonders of information technology bringing people together. 

Sue Andrew Chas

1 comment:

Keith Lodge said...

Awww how wonderful for you all to meet up. it is great when you get to have a face to face meeting. we are due to meet up with a canal friend in a couple of weeks who is moored on the Gloucester and Sharpness, we met via an msn canal site, and have e-mailed for months, and finally chatted on the phone last week. He is coming to see us with his dog meg soon. One day I will get to meet you all I dare say, but for now we are getting ready for the building of our new boat hadar, to go with the building we have set up a new diary so if you fancy seeing her progress pop in.
Stay cosy and enjoy life.