Saturday, May 02, 2009

Tidy up

We are out of the yard after 10 days with a larger hatch.  The woodwork finally finished to our near satisfaction.  “Enough said”.  Having gone down one lock we set about getting everything back in place.  It was necessary to lift the engine boards and clean out the bilge for that is where much debris had fallen to.  Then varnish all new wood work to protect it from the rain.  Little jobs were created due to lack of detail attention like sweeping up the metal swarf after drilling that last hole and another list grows...... 
Our friends Terry and Myra rang to invite us to Rugby for a meal.  “Boy, don’t we just need to get off that boat.”  It was a real tonic to catch the bus into town and meet them by the clock tower.  Crowds were gathering and traffic stopped.  The army were back in England from Iraq and marched through the town with the crowd clapping in appreciation.  We had done some shopping, said goodbye to our friends after lunch and returned to the boat.  There was meg running up to greet us from Seyella.  We spent the rest of the afternoon sat out with Geof and Mag chatting about recent events over a cup of tea.

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